Saturday, June 28, 2008

Going to the Park

Lately we've been going to the park almost every evening to burn off some extra energy (clarification= kids have extra energy ;) and some extra calories :). Yesterday, we went to the water park here in OC. The kids had fun, however, Colby had a GREAT time. He could hardly contain himself and could be seen with a perma-grin the entire time. Ray and Colby enjoyed the water canon's and Jessy tried to stay mostly dry by just sticking her feet out to get just her toes wet. She stayed on the outskirts of the water chaos (hee hee). Here's a couple of pics from the park adventures.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sledding and Beach Adventures!

Well, it's been a while since I've posted. I've had good intentions to keep up on this board, but it's been difficult with three little kids! Anyway, here's some pictures from 2008...
Here's a picture from a sledding adventure on Mt. Hood with cousin Joe - Feb. 23rd. I especially love this picture of Colby and Mike.

The boys were for the most part fearless except for Joe who showed a lot more caution then Ray and Colby. Oh, well. Everyone was able to walk back to the car in one piece!

Then today we were at Canon Beach near Haystack Rock. It's difficult to see how wet Ray and Colby are. We asked them not to go past their mid-calf... but Colby fell in about 1 minute after his feet touched the water. Ray fell in not too long after that. It was a beautiful sunny day and we almost stayed another night. We'll have to go back soon...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

July 14th... A Day of Firsts

Jessy in her first swim suit... and later learning to navigate the sprinklers in the back yard with her big brothers. Later on that day, we met Han and Chewy plus several storm troopers and Darth Vader himself! Who knew they visited a neighborhood pizza parlour on occasion!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Say CHEESE!!! (Look at Colby:)

Here they are! It's hard to tell but Ray and Colby stopped playing baseball/softball long enough to take this picture. They are completely obsessed with those sports and pitch balls to each other whenever they can. They beg Mike, Uncle Mark, Uncle Bob and I daily to play baseball with them. It'll be interesting to see what happens with soccer... they are offspring of an avid soccer player. Jessy had just dumped barkdust and dirt on her head... and was playing in mud. She is very girly besides this strange turn of events:) Well... here it is... my first post!